BSB80120 – Graduate Diploma in Management (Learning) - ICV
International College of Victoria


This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply highly specialised knowledge and skills in the field of organisational learning and capability development. Individuals in these roles generate and evaluate complex ideas. They also initiate, design and execute major learning and development functions within an organisation. Typically, they would have full responsibility and accountability for the personal output and work of others.

This qualification may apply to leaders and managers in an organisation where learning is used to build organisational capability.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.


Occupational titles depending on packaging options selected may include :

  • Operational Manager
  • Learning and development consultant
  • Learning and leadership manager.
  • Staff development manager in the training and development department.
  • RTO/ Training manager
  • Workforce Planner
  • Educational Professional working within an RTO


Bachelors of Business (Administration)


Entry Requirments

Whilst there are no entry requirements stipulated in the training package (BSB), ICV requires its applicants to meet the following criteria:

Minimum Age Requirement:
25 years or older at commencement of course.

Minimum English Language Requirement:
To demonstrate English proficiency, you must provide us with one of the following:

  • IELTS band score of overall 6 (Academic ) or equivalent in line with the Department of Education and department of Home Affairs (DHA) Regulations (For International Students) for specific countries, or
  • IELTS overall band score of 5.5 when packaged with at least 10 weeks’ English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS), or
  • IELTS overall band score of 5 when packaged with at least 20 weeks’ ELICOS, or
  • PTE score of 50
  • Tertiary studies in medium of English

Minimum Academic Qualification Requirement:
Australian Year 12 or Equivalent 

Additional Requirements:

  • ICV will conduct LLN assessment on the orientation day to assess student’s Language, Literacy and Numeracy levels. LLN assessment will be conducted to identify the right level of support required by the students. This support will enable them to complete qualifications successfully in required time.
  • This LLN assessment is not a barrier to the entry in the course.

Format and Packaging Rules

To achieve this qualification, the candidate must demonstrate competency in:

  • 8 units of competency
  • 3 core units
  • 5 elective units.


Code Title    Core/


Total Amount

Of Training inc (Assessments)

Self- paced


BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies Core 140 20
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation Core 120 20
TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice Elective 120 20
BSBSTR802 Lead strategic planning processes for an Organisation Elective


140 20
BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving Elective 120 20
BSBFIN801 Lead financial strategy development Elective 140 20
BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development Elective 120 20
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change Elective 140 20
Total  1040 160


Student needs to fulfill the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) student visa condition to remain in Australia on a student visa. Student also needs to maintain their attendance visa condition during their study period as per their student visa condition. (For detail see Visa Condition policy and refer to student course progress and attendance policy).


Students will be required to undertake a Pre-Training Review (PTR) upon enrolment or before the commencement of Training and Assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to determine the amount of training to be provided to each learner with regard to:

  • The existing skills, knowledge and the experience of the learner
    The mode of delivery; and
  • Where a full qualification is not being delivered, the number of units and/or modules being delivered as a proportion of the full qualification.
  • Acertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are appropriate for that individual.
  • Ascertain that the qualification is suitable, for that student to enrol in, based on the individual’s existing educational attainment, capabilities, aspirations and interests and with due consideration of the likely job outcomes from the development of new competencies and skills.

In addition, students will be required to undertake a Language Literacy and Numeracy assessments through LLN Robot


The Volume of learning of a Graduate Diploma is typically 1 – 2 years. The total Volume of Learning is 1200 hours. This includes 880 hours of scheduled training, over four terms, 160 hours of self-paced learning (Textbooks, PPTs, Reading Resources, Online), and completing 160 hours of assessment tasks that are done as Homework.

Students will be required to attend 20 scheduled course contact hours per week.

One Term duration = 11 weeks
Total term break time = 8 weeks
Including Christmas Holiday time = 4 weeks.

Employment Pathways

After successfully completing the Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning) Employment pathways may include

  • Operational Manager
  • Learning and development consultant
  • Learning and leadership manager.
  • Staff development manager in the training and development department.
  • RTO/ Training manager
  • Workforce Planner
  • Educational Professional working within an RTO

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